So today me and Alex needed to get things planned and sorted, else we'll get nothing done.
I rang my sister Natasha, asking if I could get my nephew - Alfie, out of nursery (he's 3) on Tuesday the 18th of November. This will allow us to take some decent photographs in the studio so we can use them on our poster. I've recently been in the studio because I was modelling for a friends AS media project and although green screens are amazingly useful, I prefer the white background. I'm not sure if it's because to me it seems an easier way of cutting out and editing the pictures, but I don't like the green screen. It made the cameras looked rather dark. However, this could have been down to the white balance of the camera not being correct, and a lot of other factors too. I'm going to go talk to one of the technicians and see if there is anyway to get the white screen back, but I've been speaking to my teacher and he believes it is a great screen, so we're going to see how it works on both of the models.
During the phone call with my sister we established that he has an old pair of school pants that we can cut up into shorts. Alex will be in charge of costume for the most part of this project as she is doing an A level in textiles, and I trust fully that she understands her way around a sewing machine more than I do. Also, on Sunday the 16th, I will be going to his house and looking through all his clothes for stuff that can be used in the photo-shoot and filming. Basically, I'll make a stock pile of props and clothes we have and what we have spare along with things we need to get.
Whilst organising this, I've been talking to George (the main actor) who is my cadet sergeant major, and we are going to film on Wednesday. (This Wednesday failed and i'll upload a podcast about that later). Friday the 21st will be when George is coming in. It'll be between 11:50 - 3:00 which is our media lessons. Doing this next week will give us another opportunity in the next couple of weeks to get them back in, to refilm and get shots that we weren't happy with sorted.
For this photoshoot, George will need his kit and cane. This is general sgt major attire and I will post pictures and a separate post about this on Wednesday or Friday when I get him in his actual kit. He can also help me with the names of them and also potentially why he wears this kit. It's great having someone from the actual army/acf help me with project because it makes a lot of the elements in the short film realistic and authentic.