Friday, 4 October 2013

Magazine pitch

Magazine Pitch


The genre of my music magazine is going to be classical. This is because i do enjoy classical music and it’s a change from all of the pop, punk and hip hop magazines out there. I play the flute and the saxophone as well as having experience playing the violin for 4 years so I know what language to use when discussing theory of music. I own some instruments so taking pictures of classical instruments shall not be hard to acquire.


Audience: - Primary

My target audience is going to be aimed at over 20s because the younger age group are more generally into hip hop as most artists that are in that genre of music aim to sell their music to people who are young. Because it Is a classical magazine the language will appeal to the adults more as it will be more sophisticated and the images and house style will be more appropriate and elegant to fit with the adult/ classical theme. As i want it to be aimed at people over the age of 20, a more specific age i want to  aim my magazine at is going to be  35 - 45 year olds.

-         Secondary:

My secondary audience is going to be aimed at people who are over the age of 40. This is because I can appeal to them with operatic singers and more older music (orchestral music ) that a lot of new classical music lovers do not know/heard of.

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