Thursday, 31 October 2013

Pie chart analysis

I handed my questionnaires out in my community. I live in Hebburn and the peope i live close to are not exactly around my age group. There are very small children or people roughly over the age of 25, there are few that are near my age group, however i still managed to target some so i could make my research rather varied.
Looking at these pie charts i can tell that:

- I questioned more females then males
- People who were 40 years + answered the most questionnaires
- Most of the people were unemployed or looking for work. This could either be the varied amount of ages that were under 40+, or that amount of people unemployed were the majority of the 40+ group.
- The most favoured genre of music was classical and tock music.
- The majority of the people dont spend more than £2 on a magazine
- The majority download music most of the time
and the purchase of magazines is more often than not constant.
The point of me using a survey to gather research was to find out what sort of auidence responded to my questions. It was to see what qualities they may posses and what they do when purchasing magazines. It basically gave me an insight into what sort of poeple buy magazines and listen to music. This has opened ip my view of how many poeple are interested in different types of music in my community.
If i were to do this again i would hand out more questionnaires to a lot of people, i would give out about 500 questionnaires. The more questionnaires i hand out the better as i would get a better in sight on what people think. I would also hand them out not only in my community but id expand it further and go into my school, and maybe closer places like Wardley or Pelaw which are close to where i live.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Pie Charts
Results from questionnaires

 [ These are the answers i gathered from my questionnaire. I used 'Microsoft Excel' to create my pie charts ]


Age group?:
Are you unemployed?:
Favourite genre of music?:
How much money do you spend on magazines?:
How often do you download music?:
How do you usually listen to music?:
How often do you purchase a magazine?:

Monday, 14 October 2013


Questionnaire template of what was given

This is my questionnaire. It is a closed questionnaire as there are boxes/options you can choose from. I wanted a closed questionnaire as they are more accurate as you dont get a lot of different opinions and if i have a more controlled questionnaire, they'll have to choose form my options meaning i will get a more selected and specific answer from the people i have questioned.



Monday, 7 October 2013

Front cover Investigations

During investigating and analysing these front covers i found it easy to spot the flaws and errors in some of the front covers, however there were some front covers that were really good and which i liked the look of, i could use these as ideas when i come to producing my own front cover.

What have i learnt?:
- That the text is better suited if its justified down the margin.

- Depending on who the audience is, it is vital to research as you do not know what type of audience you are appealing to, if you get the wron type of house style or language used within the magazine, and are appealing to an age group that do not fit, for example; using bright, exoitic neon colours for a group of people aged between 50 - 60 years of age. They just dont work. You'd want to have colours that are chique and elegant as it is a mor eprefered layout for a more elegant age group.

- The house style has to be appropriate and be the same throughout the magazine. They have to link and match so it looks like its all part of one magaizne and not random selections of pictures and articles that have been placed on a apage together. If the house style is not the same throughout it can look messy and eveyrthing else onthe page can look terrible and out of place. If i don't want this to occur i will have to find colours that suited to my theme.

Contents page investigations

When i was researching contents pages it took me a while to find some good quality contents pages that were relevant to a classical music magazine. This could be down to the fact that in the music magazine industry, pop, punk, and rock magazines ( as well as many other sub genres ) are found to be more popular and more looked at than classical magazines. I believe this is due to the rise of teenagers and young adults becoming more obsessed with 'new age' music and with the easy access of quickly downloading music no wonder this is the case.

Classical music has always taken a backseat in the music industry. It is seen as boring and tedious. On the contrary, a lot of people think it is soothing, relaxing and rather enjoyable. The age group i have found that listens to this music more is 40+. i am not saying that because of my research anyone under the age of 40 do not listen to classical music, i listen to classical music, it is just that a large percentage of people around that age choose to listen to classical over pop.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Magazine pitch

Magazine Pitch


The genre of my music magazine is going to be classical. This is because i do enjoy classical music and it’s a change from all of the pop, punk and hip hop magazines out there. I play the flute and the saxophone as well as having experience playing the violin for 4 years so I know what language to use when discussing theory of music. I own some instruments so taking pictures of classical instruments shall not be hard to acquire.


Audience: - Primary

My target audience is going to be aimed at over 20s because the younger age group are more generally into hip hop as most artists that are in that genre of music aim to sell their music to people who are young. Because it Is a classical magazine the language will appeal to the adults more as it will be more sophisticated and the images and house style will be more appropriate and elegant to fit with the adult/ classical theme. As i want it to be aimed at people over the age of 20, a more specific age i want to  aim my magazine at is going to be  35 - 45 year olds.

-         Secondary:

My secondary audience is going to be aimed at people who are over the age of 40. This is because I can appeal to them with operatic singers and more older music (orchestral music ) that a lot of new classical music lovers do not know/heard of.