Thursday 3 July 2014

Short film investigation: The Desk

During our media class, we were introduced to a new short film, 'The desk'. I liked how it started, it seemed like a lone teenager who didn't fit in with people, who didn't make a lot of friends and then by some miracle this haunting apparition of text appeared on the desk in response to his 'Hello'. The atmosphere still appears light and interesting throughout the whole film. I am slightly disappointed that it didn't turn into a horror short film as it could have easily been shaped into that genre as it had the foundations already. E.g. suspense, confusion ... etc. The ending wasn't really a surprise as I could have guessed that she would appear in some shape or form and they'd be friends, however it ended with that idea in mind, with no contribution to how they were able to communicate on the desk at the same time without being physically there at the same time. - This was a shame.


- The music fits well with the lonely wondering boy who's trying to make sense of fitting in at school.
- He looks like a new kid
- Alone
- Scared
- Intrigued?
- Trying to figure out his feelings
- Long angles peering up at him look like they are coming from the desk or floor. Look nice, could use in short film if the main actor is sat at a table.
- Surprise and shock when he realises someone has replied to the message he left on the desk.

Personally, I believe the story needs to be more developed. When I first watched it, it seemed like a thrilling supernatural short film because how one earth could someone be writing and replying to his messages if the other person wasn't there and they were appearing instantly?

The repetition of him getting up with the alarm is good. I like the medium close up of his face and alarm. Also, they don't seem to take to long - rather snappy.

It seems like one of those fated star-crossed lovers near the end. Always seems to be gazing off at some popular girl who wouldn't give him a second look let alone and chance and he bumps into a girl who drops her books. Im not so sure on the ending. I like how he actually gets to meet the girl 'Julie', however its not explained how she was able to interact with him. Maybe that's the whole point, and that the audience shouldn't be spoon fed the plot but I would have liked to have seen this short film go down a more gothic/dark and thriller type path.  This is just my personal opinion though.

When doing our short film, we will have to consider everything. We will need to ensure we aren't spoon feeding the audience the whole story and need to give them room to think and maybe come up with their own assumptions. We cant over complicate the idea though. We need to make this short film doable because if its so hard we wont be able to pull off a decent film. We need to simplify each scene and make everything look professional and work hard on the mise-en-scene, cinematography, edit...etc.

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